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The Development History and Prospects of PCB

Date:2024-02-01    Click: 646

Since the reform and opening up, China's preferential policies in labor resources, market, investment, and other aspects have attracted large-scale transfer of manufacturing industries from Europe and America. A large number of electronic products and manufacturers have set up factories in China, which has driven the development of related industries, including PCB. According to China's CPCA statistics, in 2006, China's actual PCB production reached 130 million square meters, with a production value of 12.1 billion US dollars, accounting for 24.90% of the global PCB production value, surpassing Japan and becoming the world's largest. From 2000 to 2006, the average annual growth rate of the Chinese PCB market reached 20%, far exceeding the global average. The 2008 global financial crisis had a huge impact on the PCB industry, but it did not cause a catastrophic blow to China's PCB industry. Under the stimulation of national economic policies, China's PCB industry experienced a comprehensive recovery in 2010, with a PCB output value of up to 19.971 billion US dollars. Prismark predicts that China will maintain a compound annual growth rate of 8.10% from 2010 to 2015, higher than the global average growth rate of 5.40%.

Uneven regional distribution
The PCB industry in China is mainly distributed in South China and East China, with the two accounting for 90% of the national total, indicating a significant industrial agglomeration effect. This phenomenon is mainly related to the concentration of the main production bases of China's electronics industry in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta.

Distribution of downstream applications of PCB
The distribution of downstream applications in the Chinese PCB industry is shown in the following figure. The proportion of consumer electronics is the highest, reaching 39%; Next is computers, accounting for 22%; Communication accounts for 14%; Industrial control/medical instruments account for 14%; Automotive electronics account for 6%; National defense and aerospace account for 5%.

Technological backwardness
Although China is currently the world's largest in terms of industrial scale, the overall technological level of the PCB industry still lags behind the world's advanced level. In terms of product structure, multi-layer boards account for the majority of the output value, but most of them are low-end products with 8 layers or less. HDI, flexible boards, and other products have a certain scale, but there is a gap in technological content compared to advanced foreign products such as Japan. The IC carrier board with the highest technological content is rarely produced by domestic enterprises.

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